Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Top Ten Books On My Wishlist

1. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins. I probably don't need to explain this one - I think if you're a book blogger and don't already own it, you want it!

2. The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su. I adored the web series so I'm interested to see how they've adapted it as a book.

3. Well-Read Women: Portraits of Fiction's Most Beloved Heroines by Samantha Hahn. This book of illustrations of female characters looks gorgeous.

4. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake. This one has been sitting on my wishlist for years. No idea why I haven't managed to get my hands on it yet.

5. Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I loved Matson's first book and liked her second so I'm really keen to read this one too.

6. Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan. I've heard mixed things about this book but I adored Lanagan's Sea Hearts when I read it last year and have been meaning to check this one out since.

7. His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman. I am one of those terrible people (or possibly the only one?!) who is yet to read this series. I almost bought it recently but held myself back because I was buying other books - but I will have to get this one some day soon.

8. Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. This is another book that has been on my wishlist since it came out, a couple of years ago now. For some reason it's never made it to the TBR pile, but I still really want it.

9. The Messenger by Markus Zusak. Despite loving The Book Thief A LOT, I haven't read any of Zusak's other books, which I kind of kick myself over every so often. I need to remedy that.

10. Bossypants by Tina Fey. I was desperate to read this when it came out and then never got around to buying or reading it. Again, I really need to!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. 


  1. I really enjoyed Bossypants even though I don't usually like autobiographies! It's very good. I am looking forward to Since You've Been Gone too :)

    1. I would probably read anything Tina Fey wrote!

  2. Stephanie Perkins is a contemporary romance legend and basically.. I NEED ISLA NOW! It seems as though I'm the only one without a copy and it's killing me. I hope both of us can tick this off soon :)

    - Sunny @ A Sunny Spot Blog

    1. Ha definitely not the only one - I don't! :)

  3. ISLA!!! That is my favorite one of hers (so far) and I adored Since You've Been Gone because Matson is a master but its not my favorite of hers....that will always belong to Amy & Roger's Epic Detour. <3

    Today's blog post: Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I have heard Isla is the best yet which makes me even more excited!
      Amy & Roger is definitely my fave Matson (so far!)

  4. Anna Dressed in Blood is awesome. I wasn't in love with the sequel as much, but Anna is fabulous. Also, Tiger Lily is a must read. It is so so beautiful.

  5. Ooooh I didn't know they did the Lizzie Bennet diaries as a book! Definitely putting that on my list :) and Bossypants is awesome, a really good read.

  6. I just read Isla and the Happily Ever After last weekend (I got it from the library) and I definitely want to own it. Like you I loved Morgan Matson's first book and liked her second, Since You've Been Gone good for me, a little slow, but somewhere in between the other two.

    1. I think I'll probably feel the same about Since You've Been Gone!

  7. I definitely recommend reading Anna Dressed in Blood! I really enjoyed it! As for some of these others, I so need to get around to reading them. And I've actually only read the first book in The Dark Materials series, and I need to finish that series asap! Great list! :D

    1. I've heard so many good things about the series, I hope it lives up to the hype :)

  8. Isla was really good so I hope you get to read it soon. I really want to read the Lizzie Bennet Diaries books as well. Happy reading!

    1. I am so glad it's as good as everyone was hoping :)

  9. So many of your books are on my wishlist! Isla looks amazing, as does Anna Dressed in Blood. I started watching The Lizzie Bennet diaries recently and I love them, so I bought the book as well. It looks really good. You should definitely read Tiger Lily! I fell in love with that book so much, it was brilliant.

    1. The series is great so I hope the book is too.

  10. I love Anna Dressed in Blood. I hope you get your hands on it soon.

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