Tuesday 4 December 2012

Top Ten Books I Want Santa To Bring Me

1. The Casual Vacancy by J. K. Rowling. I feel like the only person in the world who hasn't read this book.

2. Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley. Everyone I know adores this book, and every time I see a new, glowing review, I kick myself for not owning it.

3. Metamorphoses by Ovid. I love Greek mythology and I've been meaning to read the Metamorphoses for years, so I'd love to get it as a gift.

4. Saved by Cake by Marian Keyes. This not only looks like a totally adorable cookbook, it also sounds like an interesting and potentially moving read, focusing on how baking literally saved Marian's life as she recovered from depression.

5. Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. This twist on the Peter Pan tale sounds intriguing and has gotten amazing reviews from people I trust.

6. The Fire Chronicle by John Stephens. I loved The Emerald Atlas when I read it last year, and I've been looking forward to reading its sequel for awhile. I just need to get my hands on it!

7. Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart. I'm obsessed with Miranda's self-titled sitcom, and her book sounds just as hilarious and delightful.

8. On Writing by Stephen King. I'm hoping to focus more on my creative writing in the new year, and it seems like this book is a must-have for all aspiring authors!

9. The Illiad and The Odyssey by Homer. I specifically want the Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics edition of Homer's work, because it looks gorgeous. I'm obsessed with this collection.

10. The Original Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. This edition of Mary Shelley's classic includes two versions of the story: the original that Mary wrote, and the version we all know, which was heavily edited by her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley. I'd love to see the original and compare the two.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

What's on your wishlist?


  1. I haven't read The Casual Vacancy either! Hopefully I'll get the chance this christmas, or I might have to just add my name to the super long list at my library.

    I haven't read On Writing, but my boyfriend has and he said it's phenomenal- just completely amazing. And the perfect writer's tool.

    1. Oh good to know! Is your BF a writer?

    2. Not professionally, but he's writing a novel at the moment for fun and perhaps for a future career, who knows!

      I'd tell you he's very talented, but then I'm biased :)

  2. Heh, don't worry, I haven't read The Casual Vacancy neither. I have heard from alot of people that it may turn you off if you read it with the Harry Potter mindset. The Illiad and The Odyssey are amazing, I agree. I've only read their abridged versions, though, so I should get to that, too :)

    Great list! Here's my Top Ten: Faye's TTT. Check it out when you have the time =)

  3. To continue my Twitter comment... SHOCKED! ;)

    And ooh, I hope you do focus more on your writing.

  4. I loooove those leather bound classics. Good choice.

  5. I loved TCV, a great read. Wish I had a signed copy of it or of HP :)

    My TTT

  6. Don't worry you are not the only one who hasn't read The Vacancy, it looks like quite a few of us haven't. I love J.K. Rowling and the world she created with Harry Potter and I would really like to give this book a shot, but for some reason I keep forgetting about it. If you read it let us know how it is!

    1. I'm glad it's not just me. I think it's very very different to Harry Potter so it will be an interesting read.

  7. This is a great, very diverse list, Belle! Speaking of Barnes & Noble classics, I just bought the entire Sherlock Holmes collection as well as Dracula AND To Kill A Mockingbird. They are just too gorgeous not to own! And might I add, I'm really happy to see Homer make your list. I'm a huge fan and my sparse paperback versions are starting to fall apart as they've been so well loved. Guess I need to replace those too (helloooo B&N!).

    1. Oooh lucky you! They would look amazing on your bookshelf I'm sure.

  8. I actually started Casual Vacancy but have yet to finish it. So that makes you not the only person who hasn't read it! :) LOVED Graffiti Moon. You definitely do need to read it!
    Hope you get everything on your list this year! :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. Thanks Bonnie! I think everyone loves Graffiti Moon. :)

  9. Ah, I really want to read Tiger Lily! I've heard such positive things about it. Hope you get your books. :)

  10. Ugh, that copy of The Odyssey is gorgeous! I hope you are able to get a copy for Christmas. It's pretty much my favorite classic.

    1. That's good to know! I've never actually read it, but I've been meaning to for years.

  11. I haven't read The Casual Vacancy either! And I actually don't really intend to. I want to read Graffiti Moon as well, I've heard so many amazing things about it.

    I've read The Odyssey *shudders* For school. It was not a fun experience.

    1. I think reading anything for school is not a fun experience! Someone asked me what my favourite Shakespeare was today and I was like... none? I read them all for school, not particularly enjoyable.

  12. Ohh I'be been wanting to read Graffiti Moon for the longest time. I love stories that take place in a short period of time. I've also heard nothing but great things about Tiger Lilly. Hope you get all your books this year :)

    1. Me too! All-in-one-night stories are some of my faves :)

  13. Haha! Are you kidding me? You are NOTthe only person who hasn't read the Casual Vacancy. I started to read it and was so dissapointed with it that I never finished. :((
