The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, narrated by James Marsters, Charles Busch, Emily Bergl, Neil Dickson, Jill Gascoine, Christopher Neame and Matthew Wolf.
Although I've seen the movie, I'd never read - or listened to - the original play, so I was excited when I came across this audiobook performance on Audible. It didn't disappoint. I loved the story of mistaken identities, long-lost family and rich people's shenanigans, and the characters were all charming and endearing in their own way. The language is obviously gorgeous and witty, and it was brilliantly delivered by the actors in this edition. It all flowed really well and was just a delight to listen to.
Rating: 4/5

After really enjoying The Importance of Being Earnest I was keen to give this audio a try, and while it was good, it wasn't great. It too has long-lost family, mistaken identities and rich people's shenanigans, but it just wasn't as fun. The characters weren't as compelling, and the story wasn't as engaging. The performances weren't as great here either, they FELT like performances rather than like you were listening to actual conversations between the characters. I was also surprised that several of the lines were exactly the same as those found in Earnest - of course, this came earlier and so Wilde must have reused them for Earnest, and they ARE great lines, but I didn't like the repeated use. I wouldn't listen to or read this again.
Rating: 3/5
Oh no, I have 'A Woman of No Importance' but not 'The Importance of Being Earnest' in my audible collection. Maybe I should listen to A Woman, and then get Earnest, so that I go up in enjoyment, rather than staggering down a little like you unfortunately did.
ReplyDeleteYeah that sounds like a good plan.
DeleteJAMES MASTERS?!?!?!!?!!?!?! DOES SPIKE NARRATE IT IN BRITISH?????? Cos otherwise it will be extremely unfabulous.
ReplyDeleteHaha he plays on of the characters!
DeleteThe information you have provided is very unusually good
ReplyDeleteI was very helpful at all with what you have shared this
thank you for sharing this useful information.
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very useful information
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I am very happy to be able to find this good article
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maybe I will visit this site again to find other articles that can be useful for me :)
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tunduh, tatadi nundutan wae
ReplyDeletekumaha nya carana supaya henteu tiap hari nundutan terus, teu kuat eung ku tunduh na
Aya nu boga obat anti tunduh tibeurang teu eung ??
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naon nya, duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen, ngan duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen, ngan duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen
ReplyDeleteObat Osteoporosis Herbal Obat Penurun Tekanan Darah Tinggi yang Ampuh Cara Menyembuhkan Gatal pada Sela Jari Kaki dan Tangan Akibat Kutu Air Cara Mengobati Radang Usus Buntu Kronis Cara Menghilangkan Miom Di Rahim Secara Alami Cara Menghilangkan Benjolan Seperti Bisul Cara Menyembuhkan Eksim Cara Mengempeskan Benjolan Di Leher Secara Alami Cara Mengeluarkan Batu Ginjal Secara Alami Obat Sesak Nafas Reaksi Cepat untuk Asma
Nyeri cangkeng eung, duka kunaon ieu teh tatadi asa nyeri wae puguh gen eung
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