Friday 28 December 2012

Friday Link Dump: Pemberley, Gingers and Melina Marchetta


The brilliant Jo at Wear the Old Coat has done a brilliant Q&A about brilliant heroines with the brilliant Melina Marchetta. Can you tell it's brilliant?

Have you been watching The Lizzie Bennet Diaries? If not, now is the time to catch up. Because Lizzie is going to Pemberley! Check out the cool Pemberley Digital website here. Can I work there? Sounds amazing.

Uproxx has dubbed 2012 the Year of the Gorgeous Ginger, and I'm not complaining.

Here's an interesting fact: former Seventeen editor Midge Turk Richardson, who worked on the magazine for 18 years, was actually a nun for the same length of time before that. She died last week aged 82. I'd love to get my hands on her memoirs, but it's so rare it's fetching $247 on Amazon. Yikes!

There are a lot of movies and TV shows to be excited about in 2013. Except the Oldboy remake. Nobody should be excited about that.

New Year's Eve is officially The Worst. But I for one am looking forward to bidding good riddance to 2012, so that's something.


  1. 2012 is the year of the gorgeous ginger, eh? Well, I married one and I'm sure he'll be super stoked to hear this! Happy New Year, Belle!!

  2. Ha, NYE really is the WORST! That article was hilarious and spot on (especially about everyone continually asking everyone else what their plans are!)

    I hope 2013 is a fantastic year, Belle xox
