Tuesday 24 January 2012

Pash, Pick or Pass: The Fuentes Brothers

Pash, Pick or Pass is back! I haven't had much time for blogging so far this year, but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things from here on out. What better way to celebrate the return of Pash, Pick or Pass than with the Fuentes brothers?!

A refresher: Pash, Pick or Pass is a game where we pick from a random book trio and say who we'd pash (and dash), who we'd pick for a relationship and who we'd pass on all together.

The Contenders
From Simone Elkeles' Perfect Chemistry trilogy (as played in my imagination)...

Alex "I'm in a gang to protect my family" Fuentes

Carlos "I'm in a gang coz I'm hard core" Fuentes

Luis "I'm in a gang due to illogical plotting" Fuentes

My Choices

Pash: Carlos. He's a bit too douchey for my tastes, but he's hot, so I wouldn't mind a bit of alone time with him. 

Pick: Alex, all the way. He's just so adorable and sweet and awesome and smart and... yeah, I adore him.

Pass: Luis. He's kinda cute but I first met him when he was 11, so I'd definitely have to pass or things would get real awkward.

Who would you pash/pick/pass out of these bad boys? 


  1. I haven't read them so I can't say but I love the hotties you chose to play them :)

  2. I've only read the first two!
    But I'd probably say pash Alex, pick Carlos (what can I say? I like 'em rough around the edges)... sorry Luis.

    LOL @ 'illogical plotting' :-D

  3. I think I would have picked Alex too. I love the people you chose to play the brothers! (:

  4. I've yet to read the third book in the series, but I think my list would be the same as yours. Alex is amazing! :)

  5. I've yet to read the third book in the series, but I think my list would be the same as yours. Alex is amazing! :)

  6. Here's my reply post: http://hauntingserenade.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/pash-pick-or-pass-the-fuentes-brothers/

  7. I feel so uneducated, but.. What does "pash" stand for? I'm from Germany.. And my dictionary just said that it means having a crush on someone. Is that right or one of the typical "my English teacher telling me that self-conscious meant self-confident" cases? XD

    1. Hehe, don't feel bad - it's Australian slang for making out. So a pash is a kiss. It's basically exactly the same as "snog", if you're familiar with that?

    2. Aaah, yeah, I know that one. Haha, thank you!
