Friday, 24 January 2014

Friday Link Dump: The Slap in America, Frozen Censored and Anne Shirley on YouTube

-In the vein of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries and The Autobiography of Jane Eyrea new web series has begun based on Anne of Green Gables. It's pretty good so far. (YouTube)

-The Slap is being adapted for American TV (because its native Australian is too foreign, I guess?), as well as a new Wizard of Oz series that sounds fun. (EW)

-Flavorwire lists 25 YA books adults should read. Pretty standard for the most part. (Flavorwire)

-Here are some movie adaptations to look forward to this year. I haven't read any of these books, I think now is probably the time! (Publisher's Weekly)

-The Mockingjay poster is here! Too bad we have to wait 10 months for the movie. (Facebook)

-There's a #readwomen2014 challenge that is a lot like #AWW2014 but not focused on Australian women (obviously). (The Guardian)

-You have to watch Frozen with unnecessary censorship. It's hilarious. (YouTube)

-Also hilarious: what if Google was a real live person? (YouTube)

-These 100-year-old colour photos of Russian are amazing. (Mental Floss)

-The portraits of celebs this guy takes with Polaroids are so incredibly cool. (Tumblr)

-On the more professional side of portraiture are the EW shoots from Sundance. Love them all. (EW)

-BuzzFeed stuff: The very accurate 15 things that happen when you work in an office; 12 historic bars every bookworm needs to visit (I want to go to them all!); This story of two college girls discovering they were actually sisters after becoming friends is pretty freaking amazing; and in honour of Australia Day on Sunday I posted these awesome Aussie manis and these drool-worthy Aussie recipes.


  1. Just spent way too long going through your links when I should have been writing a review. Thanks for the distractions! I think the sister story is awesome and I laughed most inappropriately at Frozen being censored.

  2. OOOOOOOH!!!

    I am SO SO SO SO SO excited for Anne of Green Gables. I'm going to save watching it til tomorrow but I hope it is AWESOME or you will have to answer to me.

    And those new movies in 2014 look exciting. So many movies, never enough time.

  3. Ooh the Anne of Green Gables series looks promising! Not sure if I'll love any web series as much as LBD, though. Awesome round-up, Belle!
