Thursday 14 July 2011

Note-worthy: I learnt everything I know about love from fictional boys

I'm super excited that I've written my first ever guest post, and even more so that it was for one of my fave blogs! In exchange for her awesome post on Batman here, Crystal from The Uniblog let me take over her blog for a post and rave about swoony fictional boys (what else?!). Check it out here!


  1. I loved your fictional boys, Belle!

  2. Talking about fictional book - my favourite subject!

  3. I'm going to check it out now. There's something about this title that makes me swoon already. I just love the idea of fictional boys. Sounds like a great title for a book if you ask me!

    Congrats on your guest post. I have my first one tomorrow.

    -Miss GOP

  4. Oh and fictional harems are... SWEET! ;D

    What a great post. I'm still swooning!

  5. Thanks for checking it out ladies! :D
